Body Languages Of Baby: Let's Understand What Your Baby Wants To Tell You


How do you know what your baby is "saying"? Babies under one year old cannot speak yet, they can only express their needs with expressions, eyes and body movements. Today, I will teach you to understand the needs of babies from their movements!


12 Common Manifestations Of Infants

1. Hungry

Before 6 months, if the baby feels "hungry", it is usually slightly restless, shaking hands and feet, repeatedly sticking out the tongue, sucking hands and feet; some babies will keep rubbing all the objects with their faces and bodies trying to find food. After 6 months, they will begin to express "I'm hungry" with sounds, and each baby will make different sounds. If the feeling of hunger remains unsatisfied, it will eventually lead to crying angrily.


2. Tired And Want To Rest And Sleep

Babies who want to sleep will keep yawning, rubbing their eyes, stretching their waists, their eyes will become dull, they will ignore external stimuli, and they will also lack interest in their favorite toys and favorite foods. At this time, if you don't let the baby sleep and continue to let the baby move, the baby will appear angry, such as "clenching his fist hard", "stretching his feet", and finally crying and making a lot of noise.


3. Peeing Or Pooping

When the baby excretes, it is possible to maintain the original movement, or to purse the mouth forcefully, curl the hands and feet to the center of the body and exert force, depending on the current mood and physical state of the baby.

It is worth noting that in the early stage of changing from breast milk to formula milk, or from formula milk powder to non-staple food, there may be different defecation performances than before due to constipation, such as suffocation, flushing, and rapid foot kick. The baby will cry and dance intermittently because it hurts when the buttocks are moved.


4. Want To Play Games And Toys

The baby will keep looking at the object he wants to play with, making babbling sounds while clapping/waving his hands; and signaling he wants to play through actions that he feels "comfortable" and "in control", such as sucking fingers, slapping the table, Throwing things, these "comfortable" and "controllable" movements are usually newly learned movements for babies.


5. Attract The Attention Of Adults

When the baby has needs, it will use various behaviors to remind adults to "come to help me quickly" or "hurry up and pay attention to me". Smaller babies will cry intermittently for 5 to 6 seconds; older babies may lose things. If the baby "smiles happily" when being noticed and repeats the same action several times, it is almost always attracting the attention of adults.


6. Too Cold, Too Hot

When the baby feels cold, the activity will be reduced, the baby will cry slightly, and the hands and feet will move slightly; when the baby feels hot, the head and neck will sweat obviously and cry loudly. At this time, you can touch the back of the neck to judge the body temperature of the baby.


7. Sickness, Pain

Generally, painful crying is very intense, and the baby will continue to make high-pitched, hysterical cries until the face is flushed and make no sound.


8. Excited, Happy

When the baby is happy, he will show a big smile, wave his hands, and kick his feet, showing a satisfying appearance.


9. Sad, Unhappy

At this time, the baby will cry continuously, but there will be no overly strong reaction, usually due to the physical and mental needs are not met.


10. Angry

When annoyed, the baby will be short of breath, flushed, clasped hands, feet straight, cry hysterically until she can't make a sound, and sometimes wave and kick.


11. Frightened

When frightened, they will be stunned for the first time, and start crying after a few seconds, and the baby with the ability to act will even flee the scene.

Tips: 0-3 months children have a limited vision range. Before approaching the baby, it is best to make a sound reminder to prepare the baby psychologically.


12. Nervous, Fearful, Anxious

When the baby is nervous and afraid, he will use his whole body, make fists, curl his toes, look away, try not to look at people and things that make him nervous and afraid, and then cry like frightened.

It is important to communicate "mouth shape" and "tone" with infants

How to communicate with a baby who can't speak has always been a big problem for new parents. The newborn baby is very short-sighted. When communicating, try to be as close to him as possible, so that the baby can clearly see the changes in the mouth shape; at the same time, raise the pitch so that the baby can hear the content of the speech clearly. In the beginning, it is best to strengthen the chances of high and low tones and use more overlapping words, such as drinking grandma, lapping cake, and ball, to guide the baby to imitate. After the baby is 5-6 months old and begins to understand more words, add verbs and adjust the communication mode according to the development of the baby so that the baby can better understand what the adults are saying.

Always pay attention to your baby's needs, don't wait until he cries.

Novice parents often ignore the signals sent by their children, which will make the children develop the habit of expressing their needs in extreme ways (crying), mistakenly thinking that "only if I do this will my parents care about me." Usually, they should always pay attention to their children's needs, and timely Give contentment so the child learns to express it in the right way.

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